I had stained my deck with Behr Semi Transparent Deck, Fenc, & Siding Wood Stain. The stain consist of a penetrating oil formula ( Easy Water Clean Up). I had placed this stain on a deck flooring that has treated wood and already had been treated by the same stain a few years earlier. I wanted to give it a fresh look. After only one season you can see sections down to the wood. The stain did not stay on. In addition, other spots have a white haze to them. Not sure what is going on.
What do you suggest I do to replace the stain? Do I need to power wash or find some product to remove the old stain. There is probably three layers of stainnow on the deck. The reason I had stained the deck is to eliminate the problem of pealing that you have with paint. Go figure.
Please help
John Pepitone
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