Most of the time, wet basement solutions are thought of as complex and expensive. In fact, if you have wet basement problems, you may have considered professional intervention in the form of an expensive basement waterproofing company. Fortunately, you don’t need to sign up with a waterproofing contractor to detect and correct wet basement problems.
Most of the time, wet basement problems originate at the roof line of your home, where faulty drainage can send water in the wrong direction. The resulting runoff ends up in the soil surrounding a structure’s foundation, where it can easily leak through the walls or even up through the center of the floor and cause wet basement problems.
Wet basement solutions requires the investment of just a little of your own time in careful investigation and minor adjustments. Do this, and you will soon be rid of your wet basement problems for good and have a properly dry, watertight basement ready to be transformed into an enjoyable and highly valuable bonus living space. To solve most wet basement problems, you have to look at the way rainwater is draining from your home.
Up on the roof: Wet basement problems begin on the roof of your home, which serves as the main collection point for water during every rainstorm. The easiest wet basement solution is to stop potential wet basement problems at that level with a functional, well-maintained continuous gutter system equipped to carry rainwater in the right direction.
For maximum effectiveness, there should be at least one downspout for every 600 to 800 square feet of roof surface, and all downspouts should extend to discharge at least four to six feet from your home’s foundation. Gutters must also be kept clean and clear of the debris that can dam up water’s flow, sending it straight to the foundation line rather than out through the downspouts and far away.
Down on the ground: After you’ve ensured that drainage conditions are tip-top where the roof and gutters are concerned, some ground-level investigation is due. The angle of the soil around a foundation’s perimeter is the second major cause of wet basement problems, so adjust its slope and drainage properties accordingly. The ideal setup is one in which the soil slopes away from your house on a downward angle of six inches over the first four feet from the foundation wall. From there, it can be graded more gradually, but should never allow water to flow back toward the house to collect against outer walls.
Also keep in mind that the type of soil surrounding your home can ground the best-laid drainage plans and increase wet basement problems. Heavy amounts of landscaping topsoil can hold water against the foundation, so if you need to improve your grade, do so with clean fill dirt and add just a small layer of topsoil over that to support grass or other plantings. And speaking of plantings, don’t allow poor placement and neglected maintenance to get the better of you and your drainage system. Brick or wood planters and decorative edging can be foils if they’re stationed too closely to the foundation, as can dense ground covers and overgrown bushes and trees.
Wet basement problems can be frustrating, and you may feel like throwing in the towel. But most wet basement solutions are simple and if you take a little time to investigate the most common causes of wet basement problems, they are usually relatively easy to solve to ensure a dry, comfortable basement.
We literally have a spring under our 100+ year old home in Maine. It was a convenient water source in the old days, but has helped cause rot under the floors. We installed a sump pump and cleared/repaired and replaced gutters. Should we seal the basement windows and lay a vapor barrier on the dirt floor?