The warm weather is a great opportunity for you and your furkid to travel, explore, and get some sun. But too much sun and heat can cause your pet to become terribly sick or worse. Fortunately, there are ways your furkid can enjoy the outdoors this summer. As a lifetime pet mom with nine years of professional pet care experience, here are my favorite summer pet safety tips to keep both pet and parent happy and healthy.
First off, water is life! Make sure your furkid always has access to cool bottled or filtered water in a clean bowl!
Tip#1 Shorter walks
On those hot humid days, it’s best to significantly decrease the time you spend on walks, especially for breeds with short snouts, they already have breathing issues. Make sure to test the temp of the pavement before waking. If you can’t keep your hand on the ground for more than a few seconds, then it’s too hot for their paws. Pet booties or socks can protect their paws and don’t forget to pack a pet-friendly portable water bottle Another option is to keep your furkids inside on those days and provide potty pads for them to use indoors. Another option is to let them out in your fully fenced backyard if you have one for a quick run & potty break. Immediately follow-up with a cool drink of filtered or bottled water.
Tip#2 Packing the right items for trips
To keep your summer vacays fun & safe for your pets make sure to pack the following essentials:
- Collapsible bowls/ water bottle
- Pet socks/booties
- Ice chest full of cold water
- Cooling mat
- Pet first-aid supply kit
- Life jacket (please don’t assume your pet can swim, make sure your pet takes lessons & bathe your pets after swimming. Not doing so will cause skin irritation.)
- Any meds, check with your vet that heat & sun doesn’t conflict.
Tip#3 Take advantage of cooler times of the day
During vacays or walks it’s better to do so early in the morning or more so toward the evening. Just like people, furkids must adjust to different climates. So, if you’re traveling or moving to a more tropical climate, start off with limiting the time spent outside to allow time to adjust. Remember, short nosed, long haired, & young/senior or most vulnerable to heat strokes.
Tip#4 Never leave pet in parked car
Hey buddy, I’m going to run in the store right quick is never a good idea. Lines can be longer than planned or you run into someone you know. In 85-degree weather it only takes 10 mins for the temp in the car to rise to 102 degrees,120 degrees within 20 mins. Rolling down the windows doesn’t reduce the temperature. At this point it only takes a few minutes to suffer from a heat stroke.
Bonus tip: 100.5-102.5 normal temperature for pet |104 heat exhaustion| 107-109 heat stroke
Tip#5 Frozen treats
If you happen to live in or visit the New Orleans & surrounding area, you’re in luck because NOLAs Finest Pet Care llc makes pet-friendly human grade frozen treats and other gourmet treats available on Doordash. If not, no worries. It’s very easy to make pet friendly smoothies and freeze them in an ice tray with pet-friendly fruits like apple slices or blueberries. Make sure the fruit is cut in small pieces to avoid choking. Only use plain Greek yogurt without sugar.
Tip#6 Grooming is life
Not only will your pet enjoy the quality brushing time but she or he will appreciate the shedding removal. This will help them feel more comfortable & cooler. Unless you plan on keeping your furkid indoors most of the time. Shaving down may not be a good idea. Fur protects skin from heat and sunburn, so consider a trim instead of a shave. Consult with your groomer about summer cuts.
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