LESLIE: Frank in Iowa is calling in with a countertop question. What can we do for you?
FRANK: See, I have a Formica counter and we left a cast-iron skillet on it over the weekend and the water stains that it left is terrible.
TOM: Uh-oh.
FRANK: And I was kind of wondering if you guys knew of anything that I could use to remove it, barring harsh chemicals or anything like that.
TOM: So it was just a water stain? It wasn’t a heat stain?
FRANK: No, it was rust from the bottom of the pan, kind of soaked into it.
TOM: OK. Have you tried CLR?
FRANK: I have not.
TOM: CLR, it’s a household cleaner product. It stands for Calcium Lime Rust; very effective at lifting the rust stains out of various types of surfaces. That would be my first stop right there.
FRANK: OK. Yeah, yeah. My wife wasn’t real happy about it, so I’m trying to fix it.
TOM: Well, we hope it gets you out of the doghouse.
FRANK: I hope so, too. Thank you very much.
TOM: Frank, thanks so much for calling us at 1-888-MONEY-PIT.
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