LESLIE: Tony in North Carolina is looking for some help with a kitchen makeover. What are you working on?
TONY: Formica countertops.
TONY: And we were hoping to be able to give them a granite look and I was told by a friend, on a previous show, that you had talked about a kit that might do that.
TOM: Yeah, it’s called Giani and it’s made by the same guys who came up with liquid stainless steel, which is another paint product.
LESLIE: It’s made for appliances that absolutely makes them look like stainless and lasts.
TOM: Yeah, and actually, that’s the website – LiquidStainlessSteel.com – and you can click through to the granite paint for countertops. Comes in what; two colors did we see that in? Yeah, it looked pretty good.
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) It comes in like a black option with like a white speck and then something that they call Sicilian Sand, which is like a taupe-y tan with different color speckles. And depending on how you want it to look, I think you can add certain speckles over other speckles and then different layers. But the good thing is that when it’s all cured I mean it is super-duper hard and durable. Tom and I saw it at the hardware show and it was being launched as a new product and we got to see it in a variety of steps through the process and the finished product. And I have to say – for my own personal preference – I thought the Sicilian Sand, the lighter tone, was much more convincing than the dark one.
TOM: Yeah, yeah. I had to agree with you on that.
TOM: The company is called Thomas & English and the website, again, is LiquidStainlessSteel.com. So check it out there. The product is the Giani granite paint for countertops and it’s very cool.
LESLIE: Yeah, and as long as your Formica countertop is in good shape – you don’t have any tears or pieces rolling up or holes in it – you’re going to be great.
TOM: And I’ve got to tell you – you know, for years, people asked us about painting countertops and we always said, “No, can’t be done.”
TONY: Right.
TOM: And these guys have nailed it. So it’s a great product and a great opportunity for some new life with those old tops.
TONY: Well, that’s awesome. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
TOM: You’re welcome, Tony. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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