LESLIE: Howard in Texas lost a skylight to an unfortunate hail storm. And you’re thinking about replacing it. How can we help you with that project?
HOWARD: Well, I have to replace it.
LESLIE: Well, yeah.
HOWARD: And my question is, I had a bubble-type skylight and I’m wondering if that’s what I should replace it with or should I go with a more flat surface on a skylight?
TOM: Yeah. You know, I’m surprised the bubble skylight lasted that long, Howard. They’re really not very good skylights.
HOWARD: The bubbles?
TOM: They’re very minimal in terms of quality and they frequently leak or they get foggy. So I would definitely not replace it with a bubble light again.
What I would use is either an Andersen, a Pella or a VELUX; all great brands. And what I like about all of them is that they have a mechanical flashing system, so they don’t rely on adhesives to seal them to the roof and remain leak-free. You install it much like you install a roof.
LESLIE: Can you, with a skylight, get your glass to be impact-resistant since Texas is known to be a storm kind of area?
TOM: Absolutely. I mean you certainly could order that. It will be a more expensive skylight that way but you certainly could order impact-resistant glass in a skylight.
HOWARD: OK. So Andersen, Pella or – what was the third?
TOM: VELUX – V-E-L-U-X. All great brands.
HOWARD: V-E-L-U-X. Thank you very much.
TOM: You’re welcome, Howard. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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