LESLIE: Tuning in on WNWS we’ve got Andy in Tennessee who needs to know how much concrete he needs for a project. This is a case where quantity does matter. (Tom chuckles) It’s not quality. Andy, how can we help?
ANDY: OK, I want to pour a concrete slab.
ANDY: Whatever – somebody said you had to convert the feet to inches. So if it’s 10’6″x9’8″ …
TOM: So it’s 10’6″ …
ANDY: And then if it’s four inches – then if it’s four inches thick then I multiply inches times inches times inches.
TOM: So Andy, what you are facing is the task of having to do all this crazy math just to figure out how much concrete to order. Correct?
ANDY: Yes, sir.
TOM: And there’s a very simple way to do this.
ANDY: Great.
TOM: There are calculators that are available and all the concrete companies have them but you can easily go online to TheConcreteNetwork.com.
TOM: And there are calculators right there where you put in the thickness, the width and the length. And by my calculation – you want to go to the nearest foot because you always want a bit extra.
LESLIE: Round up.
ANDY: Yeah.
TOM: Yeah, what you’re looking for is about 1.36 cubic yards of concrete. So you’re going to probably end up ordering a yard and a half.
TOM: And that will do it. But use the calculators. They’re very handy and you don’t have to do all the math to convert from inches to feet to cubic yards and back and forth and inside and out.
LESLIE: Good lord, I was in a tizzy with all those numbers.
TOM: Yeah, exactly.
LESLIE: I’m like thirty-six inches; 100 inches. Ugh. (Tom chuckles)
ANDY: That’s great.
TOM: Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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