LESLIE: Margaret in Hawaii needs some help with a flooring situation. What’s going on?
MARGARET: Well, we have a brand new house and we’ve installed natural bamboo on all of the floors and …
TOM: Aw, that’s beautiful flooring.
MARGARET: It’s beautiful. But I’m concerned about the maintenance on it, especially since we have three dogs.
MARGARET: Right now I’m getting used to the scratches (Leslie chuckles) but it’s the paw prints. I’m not sure how to clean the floor without ruining the finish on it.
TOM: Well, generally if you use a very mild soap – like Murphy’s oil soap we use on our hardwood floors – it works really, really well. The key is to not use a lot of water but I will say that bamboo is very, very durable and water-tolerant. It’s the finish that you’re really concerned about, so you just don’t want to oversaturate it. But bamboo is a really tough floor and most of the finishes today – was it prefinished when you put it down?
TOM: Yeah, so it’s probably an aluminum-oxide finish which is pretty durable, so I would just tell you to use a gentle floor solution like Murphy’s oil soap and not to use too much water. It is a lot of maintenance but, you know, that’s what you get when you have dogs and kids at the same time. (Leslie chuckles)
MARGARET: And I was just – I had another question. If you know like how does it look like – other hardwood floors I don’t mind the look after they’ve worn a little bit.
TOM: Mm-hmm.
MARGARET: Will bamboo do the same type of thing?
TOM: Not really because bamboo is extremely hard.
TOM: So the finish will wear eventually but I don’t think you’re going to see the floor actually physically wear down like you would with, say, another type of hardwood.
Instead of wood and bamboo floors people are now days switched towards tiles and marvels. The maintenance cost and durability is quite affordable; most probably the use of bamboos is quite common now days. Especially in Asian countries we have found the use of bamboo flooring; these floors having good grip and gives a unique look to our home; but the most important thing is that we should keep our floor in a very good condition while following these tips provided here in this above post. Bamboo products are quite beneficial and environment friendly.