LESLIE: Heather’s up next and she’s got a tiling question. How can we help?
HEATHER: I put a pedestal sink where a vanity used to be and on the wall where the tile – the ceramic tile – is, there’s a few holes with – I think you call them mollies – in them. And I’m not sure how to …
LESLIE: Oh, like an anchor.
HEATHER: … how to get rid of those or what to do.
LESLIE: Well, I don’t know if you’re going to be able to repair that tile to its former glory. Do you have any of the tile that was used in the bathroom left over?
HEATHER: No. It’s old. (chuckling) But it’s in really good shape except for those holes where the vanity was.
LESLIE: Because, generally, what I would say is pop that tile out and replace it with one. If you can sort of systematically remove a couple of tiles here and there and introduce, say, a patterned tile … you know, something.
HEATHER: Well, yes, that’s a good idea.
LESLIE: Because there’s really no way to fill those holes properly.
HEATHER: Oh, okay. So I guess tiles are kind of standard sizes, though, right?
TOM: Generally. Is … what kind of tile is this? Is it for a bath?
HEATHER: Yeah, it’s ceramic tile.
TOM: (overlapping voices) Probably … probably … yeah, probably 4×4.
HEATHER: Yeah, yeah. And that’s … I can just get that anywhere, then?
LESLIE: Oh, yeah. You can even, if you like something more of a like a 1×1 mosaic tile look, they come on 12×12 sheets on like a mesh backing.
HEATHER: Uh-huh.
LESLIE: You could even cut them up into 4×4. You can get four 4x4s (chuckling) … yeah.
HEATHER: Oh, yeah.
LESLIE: You could get a bunch out of it. I’m like my math is off tonight. (laughing) But you can get a bunch out of it – let’s just call it a bunch – and use those systematically as sort of a design element and that gives you some color and it gives you an opportunity to really experiment with your design.
HEATHER: Oh that’s … I like that idea. That’s a good idea. I think that’s what I’ll do.
TOM: Okay, Heather. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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