I used a product for my self cleaning oven and some of the liquid spilled into my Corian white sink. It left yellow stains. I have tried everything to try to remove these stains. Can you please help me? I listen every week!
Our Answer
Stains from food, chemicals and even burns can be removed. The trick is using the right technique. We found the following tips on the Dupont website.
Nicks, scratches and cuts are inevitable with any high-use product, including Corian®. But because Corian® is solid all the way through, it is easy to renew to its original appearance.
Minor damage, including scratches, general or chemical stains, scorches or burns, and minor impact marks, can be repaired on-site with a light abrasive cleanser and a scrub pad. For heavier damage, light sanding may be necessary.
The following steps should be followed:
Identify the extent of the damage and ascertain whether a minor repair will solve the problem. You may want to consult with your supplier of Corian®.
If the damage is minor, try to repair it with an abrasive cleanser or a product such as a scrub pad.
If the above step is unsuccessful, hand-sand with 400-grit wet and dry paper. To minimize dust, wet the surface before starting.
If this is unsuccessful, use an electric sander and heavier-grit paper. Always make provisions to control dust.
If this, too, is unsuccessful, you may need to consult a professional for other repair options. In this case, contact your supplier of Corian® for assistance.
How do you remove clove mint stains from corrriane. We have tried everything.