LESLIE: Tim in Michigan is looking for an online tool for picking kitchen colors and needs a hand. How can we help you?
TIM: Looking for an app to pick colors for walls and the cupboards and all that before I actually go out and buy the samples. Just trying to see if there’s an app available to do that with.
LESLIE: Well, there’s a couple of great online tools for picking kitchen colors. I know one that I’ve used before. It’s kind of a beginner’s Photoshop and it’s actually one that’s sponsored by Glidden and it’s on their website but they have a separate website for it called MyColortopia.com. And it’s C-o-l-o-r-t-o-p-i-a. So MyColortopia.com.
LESLIE: And you upload a photo there, you choose colors. And almost like Photoshop, you can kind of highlight areas really simply with a tool and it fills in those colors in that area. So you can do colors on the cabinet, you can do colors on the wall. You can use it for picking kitchen colors.
TIM: That’s exactly what I’m looking for. Something like that.
LESLIE: Yeah. And it’s super easy to use. I know some of them are a little bit more tricky when it comes to selecting areas but they’ve got a great paint tool on there that really lets you to highlight just the area that you want to color with the paint. So you’ll really get a good choice there. And then Glidden’s everywhere, so you’ll be able to find that actual paint at any home center near you.
TOM: And Tim, it’s a good idea that once you kind of get a rough idea of what colors you think you want to go with, to go ahead and pick up some of those samples. Put a good patch of that paint on the walls or on the ceiling and kind of live with it. Take some time to observe it through as the sun moves throughout your kitchen during the day, because you’ll notice it will take on different colors depending on how much light is going through that space.
So, go ahead and apply those samples, live with it for a little bit. When you’re sure that you’ve completed picking kitchen colors, then you can go ahead and paint the whole place.
TIM: Awesome. I appreciate that very much. I was hoping to find something just like that and you guys answered my question perfectly. I thank you.
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