LESLIE: Robert in Indiana is on the line. How can we help you today?
ROBERT: Hey. Thanks for taking my call. Got a home built in the mid-70s. It has a one-piece, fiberglass tub/shower unit in one of the bathrooms. It’s developed a crack in the – right in the stress point in the middle.
TOM: Right.
ROBERT: Any way of repairing this? It appears that the gentleman that built this house must have put the tub in and then built the bathroom around it because there’s no – without tearing this up into small pieces, there’s no way I can get it out of the bathroom.
TOM: Yeah. Yeah. You can head on over to the local auto-repair/auto-parts store and you can pick up some Bondo.
ROBERT: Yeah. Right.
TOM: And you could repair it with that or with a fiberglass patch kit. I mean basically, you can do a fiberglass repair to this with resin and then fiberglass material and more resin on top of that.
Now, the thing is, it’s not going to look totally like the old one did; it’ll be very obvious that there’s a patch. But I’ve actually repaired fiberglass shower pans using more fiberglass material and it does a good job; it’s kind of like repairing a boat.
ROBERT: I appreciate that a lot. I’ll try that before I tear the wall out in the bathroom, anyhow.
TOM: There you go. You’ve got nothing to lose, right?
ROBERT: No, nothing to lose.
TOM: Alright, Robert. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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