For many of us, moving into an apartment is the first stepping stone to buying a home. Not only are you now on your own, but you also have the chance to use your creative side and decorate! It’s not always easy to find cheap apartment decor, but with the right tools, you can make it happen.
As someone who actually lives in an apartment, I know first hand how tricky this can be. You have to remember that the apartment technically isn’t yours, so you have to be careful to not do any damage to the walls or floors.
However, you also don’t want to sit around and stare at dull white walls for the duration you’re living there. You want your apartment to not only reflect your personal style but do so without compromising your rental agreement.
These simple decorating ideas will not only make your apartment feel like home but will also make sure you get that security deposit back at the end of your lease.
Peelable/Removable Wallpaper
I actually did this in my kitchen in my last apartment. The white walls and fluorescent lighting made cooking unbearable and it wasn’t very pleasant for my guests either. It didn’t make sense to paint such a small area, so picking out a wallpaper to add that splash of color really helped. There are tons of designs you can choose from that will fit your personality. And when it’s time to move, simply peel the wallpaper off.
Add a Large Mirror in Your Living Room
Adding a large mirror in your living room will not only make space seem bigger, but it’ll also act as a piece of wall decor. Just like the wallpaper, there are tons of options for you to choose from. Worried about putting holes in your walls? Go with an oversized wall mirror. These can be leaned against a wall with zero chance of damage and totally open up space!
Place a Shoe Tray in Your Front Room
Sounds weird, right? It’s really not, I promise you! The shoe rack acts as a decorative piece all the while saving your apartment from getting filthy. Most apartments have hardwood flooring, but if you have all carpeting like I do, (beige carpets to be exact) then this is something I strongly encourage. You have to remember, you’re responsible for cleaning those carpets when you move out.
Throw Down That Throw Rug!
Throw rugs are an apartments best friend! I loved my throw rugs in my old place. Try picking one that has some color to it, like blue or yellow, and it will instantly change the entire feel of the room. They’re also super easy to clean. Before I had gotten married and didn’t own a vacuum, I would just use a broom on the rugs and then sweep everything up! Adding a throw rug is definitely one of the best cheap apartment decor ideas.
Makeover The Bathroom
I am telling you, the entire ambiance of your apartment will change. Take down that drab shower curtain and add one with some color. Make sure to pair that will a little bath rug and matching sink decor. You can also hang some signs in there too, especially easy thanks to the dozens of option in adhesive hangers designed for easy, damage-free removal when it’s time to move out!
It just takes a little imagination and patience to transform your apartment into something amazing. Just follow these simple tips on cheap apartment decor and there is no doubt in my mind that you will have a place that you cannot wait to get home to. You’ll also be thrilled to get your security deposit back too!
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