LESLIE: Marlene in Minnesota is looking for some extra warmth. How can we help you?
MARLENE: I’m calling because we have a lake shore lot that had a garage on there. Last summer we decided that we were going to turn it into a cabin. We removed the shingles, moved the siding, put on new siding, had new windows installed. And we have completely remodeled the outside. Now, next summer or this spring we’re planning on doing the inside. It is stripped down to the walls down to the – I want to say –
LESLIE: To the studs?
MARLENE: Yes. Thank you.
LESLIE: You are welcome.
MARLENE: And I am wondering now – this cabin will be used primarily in the spring, in the summer and fall. Do we need to insulate?
LESLIE: Well, insulation’s going to help you regardless of the temperature. It’s going to help you stay warm. It’s going to help you keep cool as well. Because it really sort of balances between the exterior temperatures and the interior temperatures. And it also helps to reduce condensation. So you’re going to want to insulate regardless of the season.
MARLENE: Oh, OK. And now, would you recommend – which type of insulation?
TOM: Well, for new construction, fiberglass insulation is probably the best to do. For the walls you would use about three-and-a-half inches and for the ceilings you probably want – in your area of the country, I would say at least 14 to 15 inches of insulation. And if you do that, it’s really going to balance the comfort level inside the house and make it not only energy efficient but comfortable by maintaining that temperature, like Leslie said, all year long.
MARLENE: OK. And I have another question. What about the walls? What would you recommend?
TOM: Oh, for refinishing? You said this is lake – this is a lakefront?
TOM: What we would recommend is a product called Dens Armor Plus. It’s a drywall product that does not have a paper face. It has a fiberglass face. Because you’re near the lake …
LESLIE: You get a high moisture content.
TOM: A very high moisture. And if you use a paper-faced drywall you have a higher risk of mold.
LESLIE: Especially if you’re not inhabiting the house all winter and regulating the temperature, you really want to make sure you reduce the accessibility for mold to grow.
MARLENE: Because in the winter time – over the winter months, there probably will be no heat in there at all.
LESLIE: Exactly.
TOM: Yeah, that’s why it would be important that you use mold-free construction whenever possible and that’s why this product called Dens Armor Plus works.
To learn more, you can go to their website at StopFeedingMold.com. Go to StopFeedingMold.com and you can see a demo of this product. And it’s available at both Home Depot and Lowe’s and probably other building supply places.
MARLENE: OK. You answered my question.
TOM: Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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