I just bought a house with in-floor hydronic radiant heat, gas boiler. It’s my first experience with this type of system.
There are 5 thermostats (Honeywell T8400B1018) throughout the house. 3 are in bedrooms we don’t normally use. I set those thermostats to 55 degrees and close the bedroom doors. In one bedroom, the temperature drops to 55 — good.
But the temperature in the other 2 rooms stays around 65-70 degrees, and the floor is obviously warm. So it seems like heat is still circulating. I tried swapping thermostats between the 55 degree room and one of the 70 degree rooms, but no change. I tried turning off the thermostats in the 70 degree rooms, but no change. So I don’t think the thermostats are the problem.
Any thoughts on what would cause this behavior?
Thanks for your time!
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