LESLIE: Molly in Wisconsin needs some help with a painting project. What can we do for you?
TOM: Oh, it’s an annual event, huh?
MOLLY: Yes, it’s getting that way. (Tom and Leslie chuckle) It’s like it’s really causing a problem.
TOM: The next time you get ready to do your painting project I would sand the steps down; get down as much to raw wood as you possibly can. I would use a really good-quality, oil-based primer and then after that dries solidly – and by the way, paint as much of that step area as you can. If you can get underneath that’s great. Try to seal as many surfaces as you can. Then I would use an oil-based topcoat and leave plenty of dry time and I think you’re going to find that the durability and the abrasion resistance is far superior if you do it that way.
MOLLY: OK, well thank you so much.
TOM: You’re welcome. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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