Painting with a Primer
TOM: If you’re about to do some painting with a primer in a room, don’t skip the primer, because without it, you could end up doing the job twice. Hi, I’m Tom Kraeutler.
LESLIE: And I’m Leslie Segrete with today’s Money Pit home improvement minute.
TOM: Priming is the painting step that everyone loves to skip, but they shouldn’t, because painting with a primer is the glue that helps your painting results stick.
LESLIE: Interior primer makes surfaces more uniform and helps your paint adhere. Using it can actually save you money because you’re going to need fewer coats of your finish for a beautiful result.
TOM: You can also find specialized primers for different rooms and uses, like stain-blocking primer to hide water stains or smoke residue. Or a vapor-barrier primer to help prevent moisture from passing through kitchen, bath, or laundry room walls.
LESLIE: Whatever space you’re making over, prime first and you’ll only have to paint once. I’m Leslie Segrete.
TOM: And I’m Tom Kraeutler. For more Money Pit home improvement tips, visit
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