Hosts: Tom Kraeutler & Leslie Segrete
(Note: The timestamps below correspond to the running time of the downloadable audio file of this show.)
(theme song, commercial)
TOM: Coast to coast and floorboards to shingles. This is The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show. I’m Tom Kraeutler.
LESLIE: And I’m Leslie Segrete.
TOM: The number is 1-888-MONEY-PIT. 888-666-3974. Here we are, standing by. We are your home improvement bartenders. You know, you may not want to pick up the phone or ask your contractor a question because, perhaps, they’re going to try to sell you something.
LESLIE: Well, also, you want to sound smart when you’re having a conversation with them. You want to do the research in advance so you have all of the ammunition so you can have an intelligent conversation with these folks.
TOM: I was thinking we were kind of the home improvement bartenders because, you know, guys will ask the bartender anything and tell him what’s going on and just make small talk. You could do that with us.
LESLIE: Hmm. That’s very interesting, Tom.
TOM: 1-888-MONEY-PIT. 888-666-3974. So you got a question about your home improvement project? We don’t judge. Call us right now. 1-888-MONEY-PIT. Anything worth starting is worth starting over with us. (laughing) So even if you’ve gotten going on it and got in trouble, we can help you out. 1-888-MONEY-PIT.
LESLIE: And we’re not … we’re non-judgmental. If you make a mistake, we will talk you through it and we will help you. Even if you need to fix something quick before the wife or husband comes home. If you’ve like kicked the garage door in, done something bad, made a mistake; we will help you get through it. I promise.
TOM: We frequently start things more than one time. (laughing)
LESLIE: Well I can remember when I was a small girl, my sister was getting her driver’s license …
TOM: Right.
LESLIE: … and my mom was taking us for a ride in the car. And I was in the back and we had a station wagon – a Volare; it was huge – and we pulled into the driveway and my sister confuses gas and break and drives like right into the lower portion of the garage door.
TOM: That’s bad. (laughing)
LESLIE: And so I, of course, didn’t have the skills, at age six, to fix it but I knew we needed to do something. So we called the contractor and he came over and he was like fixing it feverishly as Dad’s like walking down the street from the train station. And we’re like slapping on paint (laughing) and he’s like … everybody runs and … you know, runs away. And he pulls up, puts his hand on the garage right as he walks in just like to rest for a minute.
TOM: Right.
LESLIE: He’s like, ‘What happened here,’ and we’re all like, ‘Oh, no!’
TOM: Well, that’s much like your average While You Were Out shoot, isn’t it?
LESLIE: Well, yeah.
TOM: Because you’re slapping on paint while the …
LESLIE: Paint or stain.
TOM: … unsuspecting homeowner’s coming home.
LESLIE: You’d be surprised if your computer is not stuck to the desk once we leave. (laughing) And if we gently take you away from a newly painted surface and say, ‘Oh, don’t touch that just yet,’ thanks very much. Yeah, we do things in a rush.
TOM: Well, we will help you get those home improvement projects done and we’ll get you the tools to do just that. Including a Ryobi 12-volt drill. We’re giving away the HP4 Drill from Ryobi, this hour, to one caller. 1-888-MONEY-PIT.
LESLIE: Alright. And remember, all you have to do to be eligible to win that prize is ask us a question on air. Alright? And our first caller has already been added to the Money Pit hardhat. Adam in California has a new toy. You got a plasma TV, huh?
ADAM: I’m about to pick it up. It’s been the great planning project.
TOM: Alright.
LESLIE: Excellent.
ADAM: Here’s the challenge. I want … I finally decided I want it to go in the family room and I want to mount it on the wall over the fireplace. The fireplace has sort of a strange brick fa
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