Junk mail. It’s the bane of your existence, no doubt, to your home AND your inbox. Do you get mail from companies and services you are not interested in or ever going to use? Do you get MULTIPLE mailings from the SAME company? There is a way to reduce junk mail and clean out your mailbox and inbox with just a few clicks of a mouse; and it’s free.
Using the new and expanded www.DMAchoice.org, consumers can do a complete Mailbox Makeover™. The consumer choice website empowers consumers to choose exactly what they want to receive in their mailboxes, both physical and virtual, all from a single Web-based account. Online registration is free and easy.
With DMAchoice, you can reduce junk mail and opt-out of mailings you don’t want to get, and opt-in to get commercial mail you don’t get now. That could be especially useful if you’re looking for discounts or coupons to help out in tough economic times.
Since DMAchoice gives you complete control of your mail and email boxes, you can go back to the site, as often as you like, and update preferences according to your needs. And because DMAchoice has been developed by DMA – the Direct Marketing Association – the leading global trade association of business and nonprofit organizations with more than 3,400 members, both consumers and marketers can depend on the breadth and depth of DMAchoice’s reach and trustworthiness to help them reduce junk mail.
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