LESLIE: Joseph from Indianapolis has a question. Welcome to The Money Pit.
JOSEPH: I have – I’m putting the flooring down I got from Lumber Liquidators.
JOSEPH: I’m putting the quarter-round – I have a hard time pounding nails up against there. I tried paneling nails. I don’t know if I’m using the right thing because it’s a real pain, you know.
TOM: OK. Yeah, it’s hard. You got big thumbs, right, and little nails?
TOM: Well, here’s what I would do. I would get a very small, very thin drill bit. I would predrill that quarter-round molding. I would insert not paneling nails, which tend to bend really easily; I would use regular finish nails – like #4 finish nails; predrill them through the quarter-round and then place the moulding in. Finish off by nailing them through the rest of the way and then set those nails with a nail set. Hit it with some colored putty and you’re good to go.
JOSEPH: OK. Thank you very much and I enjoy your show.
TOM: Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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