TOM: Hurricane season is here, and it’s not just high force winds that make hurricanes so dangerous. Hi, I’m Tom Kraeutler.
LESLIE: And I’m Leslie Segrete with today’s Money Pit Home Improvement Minute.
TOM: Airborne debris can cause more damage than wind itself, so make sure your house can withstand both. Impact-resistant fiberglass doors are up for the challenge and are extra-efficient as well as durable to boot.
LESLIE: Garage doors are especially susceptible to forceful winds, and so are you if your garage door blows up while you’re inside. Consider a high wind upgrade kit for your garage door. Its do-it-yourself metal braces are easy to install.
TOM: And impact-resistant windows are another smart investment. Shop for windows with a high design pressure or DP rating.
LESLIE: Finally, have storm shutters installed or make them yourself. You can cut half inch plywood marked CDX to fit the outside of each window, then predrill one-eighth inch holes every 12 inches and secure them with screws. I’m Leslie Segrete.
TOM: And I’m Tom Kraeutler. For more Money Pit home improvement tips, visit
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