Are wrinkles or loose spots in your carpet getting on your nerves? If you’re an enthusiastic do-it-yourselfer, I’ve got good news. With some rented equipment and a little sweat equity, you can fix those flaws by re-stretching your carpet.
When areas of carpet become wrinkled and loose, not only is it unsightly, but it can create a tripping hazard, and it makes those spots more prone to wear. Re-stretching your carpet can extend its life.
Re-stretching a carpet requires three rental tools: a power stretcher, a knee kicker, and a carpet cutter. Together, these tools stretch out the carpet and its wrinkles, and allow you to trim the excess carpet that results along the edges of the room. In one day, you can re-stretch the carpet in a single room.
Although there’s cost involved in renting carpet stretching equipment, the advantage of the do-it-yourself approach is that you can work when it’s convenient for you. If you want your carpet restretched before holiday guests arrive but your neighborhood carpeting pros are all booked up, you can set aside a day to re-stretch your own carpet and have it done according to your schedule.
This winter, broaden your home improvement repertoire and give your floor a makeover by re-stretching your wrinkled or bunched-up carpet.
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