LESLIE: Larry in Arizona needs some help getting some scratches out of a fiberglass sink. What happened?
LARRY: Oh, I installed this sink about two years ago in the kitchen in the bottom of both basins. They’re exhibiting some scratches and some like spider web cracking, I guess, that …
LARRY: … the best way – not very deep but I didn’t know if I should just pull this out and put a cast iron in or if there’s something I could do to rejuvenate it.
TOM: Well, there are different products that are designed for repair to the gel coat, which is basically the visible surface of the fiberglass. There’s a website called Surface-Repair.com. It’s Surface-Repair.com and they actually have a do-it-yourself fiberglass repair kit that has different factory-color repair pastes for bathtubs and showers. Unusual to have a sink that’s made out of fiberglass; typically, we see a lot of tubs and shower stalls made out of them.
LESLIE: Mm-hmm.
TOM: But I imagine it would work on the sink as well.
LARRY: (overlapping voices) Yeah.
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) Well, you do see fiberglass sinks when you have a countertop that has a sink molded into it.
LARRY: Right. No, this is a – this sets on top of the opening.
LARRY: Manufactured by Peachtree, I believe, so – yeah, it could be acrylic but …
TOM: Alright. Well, the repair kit works for acrylic or for gel coats, so why don’t …
LARRY: OK, good.
TOM: … you take a look at that website. Pretty inexpensive. Surface-Repair.com.
LARRY: (overlapping voices) OK.
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) Yeah, Peachtree Forge is acrylic sinks.
LARRY: OK. That’s good to know. Thanks, Leslie.
LESLIE: Oh, you’re welcome.
LARRY: I’ll give them a try.
TOM: Alright. Give it a shot; let us know how you make out. Larry, thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
Do you have to worry about washing dishes after using this fix?
No, the touch up won’t be as durable as the rest of the sin=k, but you can re-do it if it breaks off again.