LESLIE: Steve in Florida’s doing some work in the bath. How can we help you?
STEVE: Yes, I’m down to the 2x4s in my bathroom. I’m going to redo it. Do I need a vapor barrier before I put up sheetrock?
LESLIE: I mean I don’t think that’s necessary but I think you need to think about what type of sheetrock you’re using when you’re working on a very moisture-heavy room like the bath. You know, there have been some advancements in sheetrock over the years and there’s something new from Georgia-Pacific called Dens Armor Plus which is actually, instead of being a paper-faced drywall like traditional wallboard this has a fiberglass facing which means it’s really super durable for high-moisture situations like the bath, below grade, even in kitchens.
STEVE: Sounds good to me. Thank you.
TOM: You’re welcome. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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