LESLIE: Judy in Texas is looking to get adventurous in the kitchen. How can we help you do that?
JUDY: Yes, sir. Yeah.
TOM: Yeah.
LESLIE: Yum, and when you get it installed give me your address because I certainly enjoy eating wood-oven pizza. (Tom and Judy chuckle)
TOM: You know, Judy, there’s a really good website that sells modular ovens designed for the home; modular wood-burning …
LESLIE: They’re really cute, too.
TOM: Wood-burning ovens.
TOM: Yeah, it’s called Earth Stone Ovens …
TOM: … and they have an oven there that could fit in your space.
JUDY: Alright. Well thank you very much. I certainly appreciate your help.
TOM: You’re very welcome. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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