I recently bought a cape cod style house built in 1938 with 2×10 joists on the first floor with a span of 16 feet on one side of the main beam that has a noticeable sag of about an inch and a half. There are no signs of damage to the joists themselves(very solid, no rot at all) but there was some minor water damage to parts of the surface flooring so I don’t have a problem ripping it up if need be.
I was wondering if I should just sister new 2x10s to the old joists making the tops of the new ones level and putting a new subfloor on that when I go to replace the surface flooring or would it be better to build temporary supports underneath the existing joists, cut them, then install a laminated beam with joist hangers, jack it level then put in some lolly columns (with footers of course)?
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