LESLIE: Now we’re going to sunny California where David has a dryer issue.
David, how can we help you?
DAVID: Well, I just moved into a condo and when I got in here, I realized that the dryer has the discharge from the vent going into the garage. (inaudible) garage.
TOM: Hmm. That’s not a very good idea.
DAVID: That doesn’t seem quite right to me. I’m not sure if that’s a problem or what I should do about it.
TOM: Well, the garage is an unconditioned space, it’s not heated in there, but it’s really not too smart because it’s going to be an enclosed area; you’re going to be pumping a lot of moisture into it. Is there a way for you to extend it to the exterior with the way the building is structured, Dave?
DAVID: It’s a maybe because I have to check with the homeowners association to see if I can make it go 90 degrees and go out a side wall. That goes into my neighbor’s property, so they may not allow that. I have to ask.
LESLIE: Well, I personally love the smell of dryer sheets, so I would allow it.
TOM: Yeah, you would allow it? Do you love the smell of dryer sheets when you’re getting in your car in the morning?
LESLIE: Not in my garage.
TOM: Yeah, exactly. Trying to think is there any other place we could take this dryer vent. Is this a one-story condo? Can you go up to the roof?
DAVID: Yeah, I could go up.
TOM: Well, if you go up to the roof, you don’t want to dump it in the attic. You need to dump it to the outside.
DAVID: Oh, no, no. The garage, it’s a flat roof.
TOM: Oh, it’s a flat roof.
LESLIE: Oh, that could work.
TOM: That could work, too. You could go up through the roof. And you would have to go through the roof and turn like 180 degrees, so like a candy cane, so that it doesn’t actually – you know, isn’t wide open like that so that the water doesn’t get into it.
DAVID: Well, I was thinking if it went straight up, I’d put a roof cap over it; you know, a cap.
TOM: Yeah, exactly. One way or the other, you have to put a cap over it.
DAVID: It could work with a 90-degree bend in it, an S bend, so it’s pointing back down towards the roof.
TOM: Yeah. Exactly. That might be a better solution because it won’t offend your neighbor. It’s always good not to offend your neighbors when you don’t have to.
DAVID: If I went up and then horizontally along the wall and took it to the exterior, would that work?
TOM: Yeah, as long as you do it with metal ducting. OK? Don’t use the flexible stuff. Use regular hard, metal dryer duct. OK?
LESLIE: And don’t use PVC because that’s really bad with the heat, right?
TOM: (overlapping voices) Yeah, exactly. You’ve got to – just use metal.
DAVID: (overlapping voices) I heard that the other day, that it would burn up. (chuckles)
TOM: It will burn up. Just use metal ducting. Alright, David. Thanks so much for calling us at 1-888-MONEY-PIT.
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