Setting handrails, bolts or metal posts in existing concrete requires the use of a special, highly fluid expansive cement material called QUIKRETE Anchoring Cement. Standard cement based products shrink as they cure and will leave a void between the existing concrete and the newly placed cement mix surrounding the post. Anchoring cement expands as it cures, locking the post into place.
QUIKRETE anchoring cement is a pourable, rapid setting expansive cement that sets in 10 to 30 minutes and because it is Portland cement-based, it is suitable for continuously wet environments. A masonry core drill should be used to create a hole that is at least 1 inch larger than the diameter of the railing or bolt. The hole should be from 2 inches to 4 inches deep.
By increasing the embedded depth of the post, the pullout strength will increase. To mix anchoring cement, add about five parts cement to one part clean water. Always wear safety glasses and waterproof gloves when working with anchoring cement or any other cement-based product.
Use a margin trowel to thoroughly mix the material to a fluid consistency similar to Syrup. Making sure that the mix is uniform and lump-free. If the mix is too wet, add additional anchoring cement and mix thoroughly. If the mix is too dry, add small amounts of water sparingly.
QUIKRETE Anchoring Cement is a rapid-setting material, so mix only as much as can be used in about 10 minutes. Prior to pouring the anchoring cement, remove any loose debris and dampen the hole. Do not leave any standing water.
Slowly pour the anchoring cement into the hole, around the post, to a level slightly above the surface. Anchoring cement will reach over 4,000 PSI compressive strength in 24 hours and can support heavyweight in just two hours. For vertical applications, simply add less water and mix to a heavy putty consistency.
Project Instructions
When working with cement-based products, always wear eye protection and waterproof gloves.
Step 1
Create a hole with a masonry core drill that is at least 1 inch larger than the diameter of the railing or bolt; the hole should be from 2 inches to 4 inches deep.
TIP: by increasing the embedded depth of the post, the pull-out strength will increase.
Step 2
Mix Anchoring Cement by adding about 5 parts Anchoring Cement to 1 part clean water.
TIP: QUIKRETE Anchoring Cement is a Rapid Setting material so mix only as much as can be used in about 10 minutes.
Step 3
Use a margin trowel to thoroughly mix the material to a fluid consistency similar to syrup. Make sure that the mix is uniform and lump free. If the mix is too wet, add additional Anchoring Cement and mix thoroughly; if the mix is too dry, add small amounts of water sparingly.
TIP: for vertical applications, simply add less water and mix to a heavy putty consistency.
Step 4
Prior to pouring the anchoring cement, remove any loose debris and dampen the hole, but do not leave standing water.
Step 5
Slowly pour the Anchoring Cement into the hole around the post to a level slightly above the surface. (Anchoring Cement will reach over 4000 psi in 24 hours and can support heavy weight in just 2 hours.)
Shopping List
- QUIKRETE Exterior Use Anchoring Cement
- 1/2” drill
- Masonry core drill bit
- Measuring pail
- Masonry brush
- Margin trowel
- Gloves
- Safety glasses
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